7 snapshots from Montreal’s blogosphere

Montreal sous la neige

Entering the world of non-business blogging

Most of the people that I know are blogging for business related reasons. In fact, it becomes obvious that blogging can be more than efficient to create a communication with your users, customers, providers, fans, employees… By giving people a quite easy way to open the discussion with your organisation, not only they will take part in the discussion but they will involve themselves (if it’s not already done) into the creation of their own personal space on the web. I spent part of yesterday going through some of these personal spaces, journals and other web logs created by Montrealers. I’d like to share what I have found with you in the following post.

Who is blogging in Montreal?

It could be anybody. I mean, seriously: it could be the , the , the or that that you`re talking once a day over the phone. What are they blogging about? I would say their life: work, happiness, failures, love, lifestyle,intensity, feelings… Let’s take a quick look a some of the most visited blogs in the city and others that I found interesting).


: Montrealers need Midnight Poutine. It’s a personal ongoing account of the city’s happenings. It’s a delicious high-fat source of rants, raves and musings. It is a blog about Montreal music, arts, film, events, people, places and other happenings.


: Un blog, un collage d’idée, de photos, de pensées & observations, un magazine, un podcast, un videocast. Your daily dose of inspiration - for late and early adopters - since 03/2002. MC describes herself as an artist interested in people, life, technology, and the creative potential of web publishing tools.

: This blog turned seven years old on December 27. Hard to categorize, the blog was nominated in 6 categories at the :best blog, , best personal blog, , , best activities bog. Still about Montreal lifestyle but coming from somebody that was born and raise in Nova Scotia.

: Steve Faguy describes himself has a twenty-something geek freelance journalist who lives in Montreal. I would say that if trad journalism has difficulties to reach a younger audience, that’s partly because of blogs like his where you can find all the news about the city plus a lot more.

: Seen on his blog, msg to his girlfriend : Comment ça va se matin? Moi, présentement, je commence à être saoul. On a eu beaucoup de plaisir ce soir/nuit/matin (il est 5h46 présentement) à boire et niaiser. Trois personnes de Lachute on décidé qu’il était plus tuff que mois sur l’alcool mais bon, as usual, il se sont poussé avant d’être humiliés… Tu sais comme s’est!

: carnets naïfs d’un homme face a la vie et au VIH. I won’t say more, please read explaining why he’s blogging.

She is a video game producer living in Montreal, talks about her life in general, running, and quite often speaks of gaming and game development to a non-gamer audience. They call her lightspeedchick… find out why on her blog.

Your blog DNA

So many blogs, so many reasons to write, to publish… As seen on , here’s my top 10 9 reasons why I blog: 1-To communicate, 2-To define myslef, 3-To learn, 4-To network, 5-To be seen, 6-To inform, 7-To sell, 8-To influence, 9-To remember. May I ask you whats are yours?


This post was mainly inspired by the feedback that I received on my blog lately, I was asked to share about or experiences working into internet marketing. Few days ago, NVI (Guillaume) had a meeting with the whole marketing management of a company offering several of the most popular brands in Canada. One of the vice-president’s questions was about understanding social media marketing (who’s reading blogs, what are they?-blogs-, who’s commenting?). These questions were justified considering that their top marketing agency that they deal with advises them the best they can but sometimes doesn’t have answers to questions such as, where should we go?, how can we reach our customers, what should avoid and why?…



Posted in life in montreal.

2 Responses to “7 snapshots from Montreal’s blogosphere”

  1. Says:

    I really like the photo on top of your post, really great.

    Was a pleasure to meet you, even if I had really not much to say last night, I was really glad to see a little bit of the “business blog perspective”.

    Hope to catch you next time maybe.

  2. Says:

    […] This week Nicolas Cossette of the Montreal Social Media blog put mine in a list of seven important local blogs. It’s a very subjective list, and it doesn’t include some smaller but very interesting blogs about Montreal, but still yay me. […]

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