AMM membership, Startup Camp Montreal + forget about the vision

association marketing de montreal

I went to the yesterday in order to have some information on the membership. I’m not yet a member but I’m looking to join the association. The annual membership is about 270$ and gives access to different activities all listed on the . The most valuable activity (according to me) is the possibility to join what they call a . It seems to be a weekly discussion and networking meeting regrouping marketing people from non-competitive industries. I like the idea.

I was also pleased to chat with about finding a way to protect our industry to define the internet marketing strategist profession (if there is one…). The discussion was based on the fact that anybody can advertise himself as an internet marketer (think about ), so according to her, being member of the AMM could be a way to show our qualifications. The only thing is that I’m not sure if the AMM is doing any selection on their membership ?

I was a bit disappointed to refuse the invitation from and to get something to eat after the event, but I wanted to attend at La . Startup Camp Montreal is an event dedicated to everything Startup. It is the forum where early stage companies, investors and on-lookers alike can share information and validate pitches live.
startupcamp montreal

When I arrived half of the presentations were done but I’ve managed to catch the last ones, here’s some info on the presenters:

  • They are providing a software solution to track and meseaure the behavior of online viewers.
  • : They are offering a new way to advertise via interactive windows video.
  • YourTeledoctor: They are testing with 3 doctors a way to offer an interactive medical consultation via webcam.

Forget about the vision
Last speaker was a serial entrepreneur who sold his first internet company, the MyDesktop Network, for 7 digits in cash while still in his teens. The guy is a great entertainer and his speech was mainly about his failures (even if it’s cliché, seems like we learn more from our mistakes). One of his idea is to forget about the vision and go with the market. Bottom line, the market is always right and sometimes your vision isn’t. I’ll think about it.

Posted in events.

2 Responses to “AMM membership, Startup Camp Montreal + forget about the vision”

  1. Says:

    Le StartupCamp fut une belle réussite. Je dois reconnaitre que l’équipe d’Embrase a fait du beau boulot.

    En te lisant, je me rends compte que nous allons aux mêmes événements et que nous rencontrons les mêmes personnes. Comment se fait-il qu’on ne se connaisse pas encore ?o)

  2. nicolask7 Says:

    bonne question, au plaisir de faire ta connaissance prochainement !

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