Leaving Facebook One Friend a Day


I’ve just decided to leave Facebook.

Starting as of today I will delete a contact a day. I used to have 318 friends, I’m now at 317 and by the end of 2009 I should have cancelled all my connexions.

Update (June 3rd): Not that easy to do so, since everyone that I’m deleting is sending me a friend request to connect with them… Anyway I’m currently at 259 friends.

Posted in facebook.

7 Responses to “Leaving Facebook One Friend a Day”

  1. Says:


  2. nicolask7 Says:

    good question, I’ll definitely post on the topic (later)… I’m also curious to see if they’ll ever manage to find a real business model

  3. Says:

    Stunt publicitaire?

    Pourquoi fermer pendant un an?

  4. nicolask7 Says:

    @Patrick: pas de stunt, plutôt une expérience

  5. Says:

    I don’t get it really, why? I know they maybe have no business plan or no clu of what they are doing(I don’t think so).. but why not using it as much as you want to be usefull for you, the way you like.
    I think they are going for a much greater plan, the information age, controling a big chunk of it, being a information hub for people. Microsoft, Apple, Myspace and others are trying the same thing, IMO…

  6. Says:

    Hmmm … je trouve ça bien dommage. En tout cas, pour annoncer des événements comme 3e mardi | Third Tuesday Montréal, Facebook est fort intéressant. Pour le reste? Pas certaine ..

    Je suis plus souvent sur Twitter que Facebook. Mais de là quitter la plateforme? Non. Pas encore.

  7. Says:

    Ok, je vais attendre de disparaître de ton univers FB en espérant que l’expérience se limite à la plateforme FB !
    Tu nous tiendra informé sur Twitter ?

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