interactive to the max Montreal - Sean Moffit speech

interactive to the max

‘‘To rise a brand it takes a community, not a campaign’’

was the morning keynote speaker at . Sean started the presentation asking us if we think that brands are more valuable today than it was in the past. I find it funny that even if the crowd was mainly marketers, about half of the audience answered that it wasn’t… For spending most of my career into a corporate environment, one thing I know for sure is that the brand is probably the most valuable asset that a company has (it became obvious after the majors scandals in early 2000 : Nortel, Enron, Anderson,…). Anyway here ’s what i’d like to share from the presentation

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  • brand engagement :
  • ”people under 25 get the stuff ”
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  • ”to rise a brand it takes a community, not a campaign”
  • from

marketing studies