Random thoughts from PodCamp Montreal


Interlocking Stones : Decisions, Techniques and Styles to turn daily downloads from 20 to 2000 -
Podcaster are passionates, not experts
If you are memorable, people will take about you
Interlocking stones, tight together with passion
If you have a partner/spouse in your life who is also passionated about, that really helps

Please Don’t Suck! -
Is Bigger really better or do they just suck on a larger scale ?
How deep is your love, the only way the receive lovee is to give, so please comment first

The New New Music – Fans, Community And What Business Can Learn From An Industry In Peril - and
We are taking away the core product of the whole music industry: the cd - M.J.
Back in the days, we used to look at the charts and the numbers - D.U.
All I can judge my success now is about how the relationship with my community gos (selling shows) - D.U.
Music is a way to connect with people - D.U.
It’s not about ‘how many’ but about ‘who’ – M.J.
If you don’t get a reaction, you suck - M.J.

David Usher on the New Music

Audience listening at Mitch Joel and David Usher

Sylvain Grand’maison and a photographer

So far, I’ve found these reactions on the blogs, How was your week-end???
- - At home with Kim
- - biotope.tv
- - SuzeMuse
- - Mike Kujawski
- - Claude Malaison
- - Muriel Ide, blogue de l’AMM
- - inevernu

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Viral Video to Promote Quebec’s Culture Differences

Did he say fuck and tits?
Le clip est déjà présent sur de nombreux blogs depuis ce matin. Vraiment un bon clip: le message est évident et facile à comprendre: les coupures dans la culture nous affectent tous. Notez également que le Web permet de ne pas se restreindre dans un format publicitaire conventionel de 15/30 secondes. Pour l’instant la plupart des politiciens ont utilisé YouTube afin d’y domper leurs publicité format TV, les artistes montrent ici une réelle compréhension du pouvoir du viral sur le Web. Bien entendu le clip sera repris par les médias tradionnels. De fait, la télévision de Radio-Canada réagit déjà au vidéo sur l’heure du dîner [] . Autre preuve que lorsque bien utilisés, les médias sociaux offrent d’incroyables opportunités. Chapeau aux artisites pour frapper l’imaginaire collectif!

Un site UGC pour le NPD
Dans un même ordre d’idées, le NPD lance un site à saveur collaborative (UGC) où tous et chacun peut désormais collaborer à la campagne. Le site est offert en version et sur deux noms de dommaine différents. On apprend sur le site que l’Espace orange est un endroit où les usagers créent et partagent du contenu pour le web. C’est la première fois qu’un parti politique au Canada met en œuvre un tel site, mais nous ne pourrons pas y arriver sans votre aide. Je suis particulièrement curieux de l’impact que ce site aura sur leur campagne: le taux de participation externe au site devrait offrir un bon indicateur pour mesurer la performance de cet outil.

Connect with me at PodCamp Montreal this week-end


I’ll be at PodCamp Montreal this week-end, so if you’re going and that we haven’t met in the past, feel free to say hello (just to let you know, I’ll try to wear my new NVI shirt).

Since the event is organized by few of my (, , ,…) and that some of my friends (including , , , and more) will also be speaking, the whole week-end quickly became a must. Even if the happening hasn’t started yet, I surely can say that I’m very impressed by what people behind this week-end had already set: great conference line up, nice updated blog + an upcoming live feed through Ustream, what else could we expect… they even have a + an on Friday night. Hopefully I’ll meet a lot of other there. See you soon!

Pictures of Podcamp
There are some on my Flickr

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How Internet Will Impact this Federal Election?

One of the best internet marketing analysis that I’ve read in 2008 is certainly the published by Avenue A | Razorfish (probably the world’s well known interactive agency). Into the 164 pages guide, the authors identify Internet’s impact on the 2008 presidential election as one of the top 10 Digital Media Issue to Watch in 2008′. Here is what it says:

The Web will be the most impactful and influential medium in the 2008 presidential race, not only for presidential hopefuls but for voter self-education and self-expression. Much like radio for Roosevelt and TV for JFK, the 2008 race for the White House will be determined by candidates’ abilities to connect with and galvanize supporters online. The Internet has changed the political environment.

How Internet will impact the upcoming canadian election?
Even if internet marketing strategies coming from Canada are way behind what is currently happening in the States, I cannot wait to see how the Web will change this current federal election. For sure I don’t expect anyone using social networking technology but I know that every candidate/party will probably consider investing time and money in order to understand how they could benefit form social media marketing.


So who will win the battle on the Web?
I know it’s too soon to tell… on one hand , on the other hand have these nice social buttons on their site (FB, Flickr, Twitter, FriendFeed, Youtube and even MySpace!). I guess it’s time to see what they’ll do with all these channels. In fact I don’t know if the worst would be if they don’t do nothing or if they’re not doing the right thing with all these opportunities. It will be interesting to keep an eye on their interactive strategy, in the meantime I’ll be waiting for a first ‘Good night Tweeple!’ from Stephen Harper.

Related to this topic
Political partys on the net: | | |
par Francis sur Go-Référencement.org
Few days ago, Toronto Star columnist,

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